Checklist After Your Divorce is Finalized

A couple may divorce each other when they are unable to resolve their disagreements and strife. The husband and wife might divorce either amicably or contentedly, with one spouse filing the divorce against the other. The court may issue the divorce after reviewing the petition. 

However, the legal requirements pertaining to the divorce proceedings do not conclude here. Following the court’s finalization of the divorce, the couple must conduct particular post-divorce actions. A post-divorce step is a set of legal actions to aid a court-ordered divorce. 

An Ohio family law attorney can assist you in finalizing your divorce and take additional steps. 

Critical things to do when your divorce is finalized

  • Get things in order. 

All the property owned should be divided following the divorce order. It is possible that you would not be able to persuade your former spouse to surrender over property or comply with the judgment. Things get even more complicated if the property is situated in another state. Other states accept most divorce decrees, so you mostly do not have to worry about settling this. You must usually file a contempt case to enforce your request, and because contempts are complicated, you should talk to a lawyer about the benefits and drawbacks before submitting. Contempts are costly, and a lawyer’s “warning letter” can occasionally prevent a contempt case. Once all the property has been adequately divided, ensure you retitle all of it and get your papers straight.

  • File for child custody or/and maintenance.

If you share a child/ children with your ex-spouse, you might opt for the custody of the child, if the divorce is uncontested, it will be a joint decision, and if not, you might have to fight for the custody of the child. If you win the case, you can file for maintenance of both you and the child. Your state will have an IV–D office to help with child support orders. A lawyer’s help will also benefit from alimony and child support. 

  • If needed, get a restraining order.

Many times, a divorce can get very ugly very fast. In such cases, it is advisable to have a restraining order against your former partner. Most divorce orders are written such that an infringement may lead to contempt, but if your partner does harass or trouble you, you may file a case against them with the police. Timely reporting of such cases will help you in the long run.

  • Changing your name officially.

Most of the states offer an option for you to be able to get your name changed along with the divorce if you wish to. If you don not get it done along with the divorce, you will have to file a separate case later on for the same. You will need to show the court-certified copies of the divorce papers to show all the government offices.