Your Ultimate Guide for Water Bores Pump 

Have you ever noticed a white pipe in people’s gardens and wondered what it is? Well, to clear your doubt it’s not something strange. It is actually a water bore pump. If you want a sustainable way of keeping your garden green or save bucks on your water bill, choose a water bore pump

But let us first understand what a water bore pump is and how does it work? 

A water bore pump goes right into the underground surface and forces water to come out through the pump for your garden. A water bore is not only eco-friendly but it’s also cost effective. You can call up a professional to do the drilling of water bores.

What are the different parts of water bore pumps?

The bore from which the water pump gets its water is comprised of four parts:-

  1. Bore Hole: The diameter of a water bore ranges from 300-400mm and the depth varies on the basis of quality of water found below the ground.
  1. Bore Casing: This is an important part of the water bores as it keeps the earth and the rock at a distance in order to prevent them from collapsing. It forms the bore’s primary pipe structure. For submersible pumps, this is a place where all the power cables and outlet pipes go. These are generally made up of PVC material, but in exceptional cases they can also be made up of stainless steel. Another material that is used to make is Fibreglass Reinforced Polyethylene (FRP), also known as permaglass.
  1. Bore Screen: It also works as a well screen. This part is joined along with the main pipe situated at the lowest end of the bore, located in the groundwater for the driller to find. It also strengthens the bore casing and keeps its round shape intact. The bore screen is also made up of PVC pipes. In commercial space, bore screens are made up of stainless steel that allows a faster flow of water. 
  1. Gravel Packing: Gravel helps you fill the ring-shaped space between the bore casing and the sides of the bore hole. This also helps in keeping the earth away from collapsing into the pipe. Gravels are used around the bore screen to create the air gaps and allow better flow of groundwater. 

Another advantage of gravel is that it acts as a filter and filters out the sediment and other contaminants from the groundwater passing through the surface.

Which water bore pump is the right choice for you?

There are two primary parts of a pump – an engine and a hydraulic pump. The engine gives out enough power to pump the water and the hydraulic part utilises this power to push the water to reach a surface. The engine, hydraulics, and water form a relationship where all of them work together and maintain the pump. 

Different types of water bore pumps are available in the market and the most common ones are submersible pumps, piston pumps, and turbine pumps. These pumps are strong enough to draw water from underground that you can use to fill your tank and keep your garden green.

Types of Bore Pumps

Bore pumps run on solar, electricity or work underground or above ground. Below are the three types of water pumps commonly available;

  1. Above ground bore pumps: These types of bore pumps work on the surface of the ground and pump water from underneath by using a suction pipe. They are commonly known as shallow well pumps or simple land bore pumps. Above ground bore pumps are usually larger in size and they have the capacity to pump more water in less amount of time. Common examples of above ground bore pumps are piston and turbine pumps.
  1. Submersible bore pumps: Submersible as the name suggests both its motor and pump are submerged in water. It is powered by electricity and sometimes they use two jet pumps instead of just one pipe pump. They are common in houses for personal use and in small gardens. The large capacity bore pumps are suitable for commercial places and for irrigation purposes.
  1. Solar bore pumps: These pumps get its power from the sun and their functions are almost similar to that of submersible water bores. However,solar bore pumps come with its own set of challenges. But if you are living in an area where sunlight reaches directly, this is the right choice for you.

Bore Pumps can last upto 20 years and the installation costs somewhere around  $2500 – $5000. Bore water is good for your garden and it’s important to follow a routine servicing every 12 months by a professional to ensure its proper working. If you are looking for affordable and reliable water bores, you can contact us. Over the years, Swell Irrigation has built a reputation for installing water bore pumps and servicing them from Rockingham to Mandurah.